Some Trace Flag like T1117 and T1118 are no more needed as you can read on David’s blog.
But that’s not all, you have also the T4199…

What’ does the Trace Flag T4199?

This Trace Flag enables all query optimizer fixes.
A lot of DBAs have enabled this Trace Flag globally during the build of a new server.
If you want to take advantage of an enhancement or a fix, the T4199 becomes a necessity…

But now, with SQL Server 2016, this is an old story!

SQL Server 2016 eliminates the T4199

In SQL Server 2016, you don’t need to enable this Trace Flag, forget your old habit!
It is automatically included when you change the COMPATIBILY LEVEL to 130:

USE [master]

Advise: If you find a unexpected/poor plan, use the Query Store to analyze and force a plan!
More information on the KB974006