Finally I am home from in Berlin at the beautiful Müggelsee. Beside meeting core PostreSQL people such Devrim and Bruce, Andreas and joining Jan again for great discussions and some beers, joking with Anja, being at the dbi services booth, discussing with people, kidding with Hans: was it worth the effort? Yes, it was, and here is why.


We had very interesting discussions at our booth, ranging from migrations to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL training corporations and interest in our OpenDB appliance.

The opening session “Umdenken! 11 Gebote zum IT-Management” raised a question we do always ask our selfs as well: When you do HA how much complexity does the HA layer add? Maybe it is the HA layer that was causing the outage and that would not have happened without that? Reducing complexity is key to robust and reliable IT operations.

Listening to Bruce Momjian is always a joy: This time it was about PostgreSQL sharding. Much is already in place, some will come with PostgreSQL 11 and other stuff is being worked on for PostgreSQL 12 next year. Just check the slides which should be available for download from the website soon.

Most important: The increasing interest in PostgreSQL. We can see that at our customers, at conferences and in the interest in our blog posts about that topic. Sadly, when you have a booth, you are not able to listen to all the talks you would like to. This is the downside 🙁

So, mark your calendar: Next years date and location are already fixed: May 10, 2019, in Leipzip. I am sure we will have some updates to:

OpenDB Appliance product