This is part II of the article “Adding a Documentum Extension to gawk”. You can find Part I here
Before we can test the extension, we need a test program and some helper functions for comfort. Let’s prepare them.
o  Move back to the dmgawk directory and edit DctmAPI.awk, the wrapper functions;

$ cd ../../..
$ pwd
$ vi DctmAPI.awk

o  Cut and paste the lines below:

@load "dctm"

# provides high-level function to do Documentum stuff;
# set environment variable $DOCUMENTUM to where the dmcl.ini file is and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the location of;
# this library file is made available to gawk scripts by @include-ing in it;
# the environment variable AWKPATH can be set to the path containing the included awk sources;
# Cesare Cervini
# 5/2018

dmLogLevel = 1

function dmShow(mesg) {
# displays the message msg if allowed
   if (dmLogLevel > 0)
      print mesg

function dmConnect(docbase, user_name, password) {
# connects to given docbase as user_name/password;
# returns a session id if OK, an empty string otherwise
   dmShow("in connect(), docbase = " docbase ", user_name = " user_name ", password = " password)
   session = dmAPIGet("connect," docbase "," user_name "," password)
   if (!session) {
      print "unsuccessful connection to docbase " docbase " as user " user_name
      return "" 
   else {
      dmShow("successful session " session)
      dmShow(dmAPIGet("getmessage," session))
   dmShow("exiting connect()")
   return session

function dmExecute(session, dql_stmt) {
# execute non-SELECT DQL statements;
# returns 1 if OK, 0 otherwise;
   dmShow("in dmExecute(), dql_stmt=" dql_stmt)
   query_id = dmAPIGet("query," session "," dql_stmt)
   if (!query_id) {
      dmShow(dmAPIGet("getmessage," session))
      return 0
   if (!dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)) {
      dmShow(dmAPIGet("getmessage," session))
      return 0
   dmAPIGet("getmessage," session)
   return 1

function dmSelect(session, dql_stmt, attribute_names) {
# execute the DQL SELECT statement passed in dql_stmt and outputs the result to stdout;
# attributes_names is a list of attributes to extract from the result set;
# return 1 if OK, 0 otherwise;
   dmShow("in dmSelect(), dql_stmt=" dql_stmt)
   query_id = dmAPIGet("query," session "," dql_stmt)
   if (!query_id) {
      dmShow(dmAPIGet("getmessage," session))
      return 0

   s = ""
   nb_attrs = split(attribute_names, attributes_tab, " ")
   for (attr = 1; attr <= nb_attrs; attr++)
      s = s "[" attributes_tab[attr] "]t"
   print s
   resp_cntr = 0
   while (dmAPIExec("next," session "," query_id) > 0) {
      s = ""
      for (attr = 1; attr <= nb_attrs; attr++) {
         value = dmAPIGet("get," session "," query_id "," attributes_tab[attr])
         if ("r_object_id" == attributes_tab[attr] && !value) {
            dmShow(dmAPIGet("getmessage," session))
            return 0
         s= s "[" (value ? value : "NULL") "]t"
      resp_cntr += 1
      dmShow(sprintf("%d: %s", resp_cntr, s))
   dmShow(sprintf("%d rows iterated", resp_cntr))

   if (!dmAPIExec("close," session "," query_id)) {
      dmShow(dmAPIGet("getmessage," session))
      return 0

   return 1

function dmDisconnect(session) {
# closes the given session;
# returns 1 if no error, 0 otherwise;
   dmShow("in dmDisconnect()")
   status = dmAPIExec("disconnect," session)
   if (!status)
      dmShow("Exception in dmDisconnect():")
      dmShow("exiting disconnect()")
   return status

o  Ditto for the test program tdctm.awk;
$ vi tdctm.awk

# test program for DctmAPI.awk and the interface dctm.c;
# Cesare Cervini
# 5/2018

@include "DctmAPI.awk"

   dmLogLevel = 1

   status = dmAPIInit()
   printf("dmAPIInit(): %dn", status)
   if (status)
      print("dmAPIInit() was successful")
      print("dmAPIInit() was not successful")
   printf "n"
   session = dmConnect("dmtest", "dmadmin" , "dmadmin")
   printf("dmConnect: session=%sn", session)
   if (!session) {
      print("no session opened, exiting ...")

   printf "n"
   dump = dmAPIGet("dump," session ",0900c35080008107")
   print("object 0900c35080008107 dumped:n" dump)

   printf "n"
   stmt = "update dm_document object set language_code = 'FR' where r_object_id = '0900c35080008107'"
   status = dmExecute(session, stmt)
   if (status)
      print("dmExecute [" stmt "] was successful")
      print("dmExecute [" stmt "] was not successful")

   printf "n"
   stmt = "select r_object_id, object_name, owner_name, acl_domain, acl_name from dm_document"
   status = dmSelect(session, stmt, "r_object_id object_name owner_name acl_domain acl_name")
   if (status)
      print("dmSelect [" stmt "] was successful")
      print("dmSelect [" stmt "] was not successful")

   printf "n"
   stmt = "select count(*) from dm_document"
   status = dmSelect(session, stmt,  "count(*)")
   if (status)
      print("dmSelect [" stmt "] was successful")
      print("dmSelect [" stmt "] was not successful")

   printf "n"
   status = dmDisconnect(session)
   if (status)
      print("successfully disconnected")
      print("error while  disconnecting")

   printf "n"
   status = dmAPIDeInit()
   if (status)
      print("successfully deInited")
      print("error while  deInited")


o  Let’s test now !
first, set the needed variables for the Documentum environment, if still not done;
$ export DOCUMENTUM=/home/dmadmin/documentum
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DOCUMENTUM/product/7.3/bin

o  Then, we need to tell the new gawk where to find the dynamic extension and the awk wrapper;
the environment variables are AWKLIBPATH and AWKPATH respectively;
let’s define those variables on-the-fly for a change:

$ AWKLIBPATH=gawk-4.2.1/extension/.libs AWKPATH=./ gawk-4.2.1/gawk -f ./tdctm.awk

o  Produced output:

dmAPIInit(): 1
dmAPIInit() was successful
in connect(), docbase = dmtest, user_name = dmadmin, password = dmadmin
successful session s0
[DM_SESSION_I_SESSION_START]info: "Session 0100c3508000d6d6 started for user dmadmin."
exiting connect()
dmConnect: session=s0
object 0900c35080008107 dumped:
object_name : 4/10/2018 20:09:28 dm_DBWarning
title : Result of dm_method(dm_DBWarning) with status code (0)
subject : Result of dm_method(dm_DBWarning) with command line: ./dmbasic -f../install/admin/mthd4.ebs -eDBWarning -- -docbase_name dmtest.dmtest -user_name dmadmin -job_id 0800c3508000035f -method_....
authors []:
keywords []:
resolution_label :
owner_name : dmadmin
owner_permit : 7
group_name : docu
group_permit : 5
world_permit : 3
log_entry :
acl_domain : dmadmin
acl_name : dm_4500c35080000101
language_code : FR
r_object_type : dm_document
r_creation_date : 4/10/2018 20:09:41
r_modify_date : 5/13/2018 22:09:06
r_modifier : dmadmin
r_access_date : nulldate
r_composite_id []:
r_composite_label []:
r_component_label []:
r_order_no []:
i_is_replica : F
i_vstamp : 200
in dmExecute(), dql_stmt=update dm_document object set language_code = 'FR' where r_object_id = '0900c35080008107'
dmExecute [update dm_document object set language_code = 'FR' where r_object_id = '0900c35080008107'] was successful
in dmSelect(), dql_stmt=select r_object_id, object_name, owner_name, acl_domain, acl_name from dm_document
[r_object_id] [object_name] [owner_name] [acl_domain] [acl_name]
1: [0900c350800001d0] [Default Signature Page Template] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
2: [6700c35080000100] [CSEC Plugin] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
3: [6700c35080000101] [Snaplock Connector] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
4: [0900c350800001ff] [Blank Word 2007 / 2010 Document] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
5: [0900c35080000200] [Blank Word 2007 / 2010 Template] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
6: [0900c35080000201] [Blank Word 2007 / 2010 Macro-enabled Document] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
7: [0900c35080000202] [Blank Word 2007 / 2010 Macro-enabled Template] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
8: [0900c35080000203] [Blank Excel 2007 / 2010 Workbook] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
9: [0900c35080000204] [Blank Excel 2007 / 2010 Template] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
10: [0900c350800001da] [11/21/2017 16:31:10 dm_PostUpgradeAction] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
885: [0900c35080005509] [11/30/2017 20:11:05 dm_DataDictionaryPublisher] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
886: [0900c3508000611d] [12/11/2017 19:40:05 dm_DataDictionaryPublisher] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
887: [0900c35080006123] [12/11/2017 20:10:08 dm_DataDictionaryPublisher] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
888: [0900c3508000612d] [12/11/2017 20:30:07 dm_UpdateStats] [dmadmin] [dmadmin] [dm_4500c35080000101]
888 rows iterated
dmSelect [select r_object_id, object_name, owner_name, acl_domain, acl_name from dm_document] was successful
in dmSelect(), dql_stmt=select count(*) from dm_document
1: [888]
1 rows iterated
dmSelect [select count(*) from dm_document] was successful
in dmDisconnect()
exiting disconnect()
successfully disconnected
successfully deInited

That’s it, enjoy your new dmgawk!

Next steps

Now that the extension has proved to be usable, it could be interesting to deploy it system-wide. This can be done by the generated Makefile at the root directory of the package as follows:

$ sudo make install

The loadable extensions are stored in /usr/local/lib/gawk:

$ ll /usr/local/lib/gawk
total 504
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 124064 May 13 16:38
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 26920 May 13 16:38
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 31072 May 13 16:38

As this is the standard place to look for them, there no need to specify the AWKLIBPATH anymore.
There is also a standard place for awk utility scripts, /usr/local/share/awk. If DctmAPI.awk is installed there, it becomes available to anybody from anywhere on the system and setting AWKPATH is not needed any more. In addition, if /usr/local/bin is in the righteous $PATH, the newly extended gawk is accessible directly, along with its extensions and its ancillary scripts, e.g.:
$ gawk -f dmgawk/tdctm.awk
You may also want to define an alias dmawk pointing to the extended gawk:
$ alias dmawk=/usr/local/bin/gawk
or you may want to name it dmgawk so you still can access the original dmawk:
$ alias dmgawk=/usr/local/bin/gawk

I’m not finished yet!

I started this mini-project on a 32-bit Ubuntu VM with the Documentum v5.3 library. Once it proved working, I replayed all the steps on a 64-bit Ubuntu VM with the Documentum v7.3 binaries. There, as already noticed in the past, the library kept crashing the executable that loads it at run-time, gawk here, so I successfully resorted to, the one that calls java code behind the scenes through JNI. It is a bit slower at start up but at least does work as expected. It is very likely that the ancient is going to be retired in some future release of the content server, so be prepared to switch.
You may remember that I edited the automake to have the extension compiled, and that I had to relink said extension manually with the library. A better way would be to provide it with its own makefile to automate those steps. This way, no original gawk source file would be altered.

Conclusion, finally

This test program and wrapper are actually the gawk counterparts of the Documentum extension for python I wrote earlier for this blog (check it here). With these 2 extensions, an administrator does not have any longer to be stuck with a limited and, even worse, stagnant tool. The awk language is easy and well suited to the kind of work administrators do with Documentum. Its gawk implementation is powerful, open, very well maintained and, as shown, easily extensible so there is no reason not to use it.
For licensing reasons, the interface cannot be distributed by Documentum but anybody can install it privately without restriction.