Usually, when you need to install a PostgreSQL extension you do this as superuser (or at least I am doing it like this). The downside of that is, of course, that a super user must be available once a new extension is required or that all the extensions are installed by default (e.g. in template1). Recently the question popped up internally if you can install extensions without being super user. The answer is: yes and no. It depends on the objects that get created by the extensions and it depends on the permissions of the user that wants to install the extension. As always, lets do some demos as this is the easiest way to understand how things work.

Currently there are no extensions installed in my database except for the standard PL/pgSQLl extension:

postgres=# dx
                 List of installed extensions
  Name   | Version |   Schema   |         Description          
 plpgsql | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(1 row)

For the purpose of this post lets create a new user without any special permissions other than login:

postgres=# create user a with login password 'a';
postgres=# du a
           List of roles
 Role name | Attributes | Member of 
 a         |            | {}

This user, even if not granted anything, by default has permissions to create objects in the public schema (you should definitely avoid that, check here):

postgres=# c postgres a
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "a".
postgres=> select current_database();
(1 row)
postgres=> create table tab1 ( a int );

What this user is not able to do, is to use create extension” to install a new extension into the database:

postgres=> create extension lo;
ERROR:  permission denied to create extension "lo"
HINT:  Must be superuser to create this extension.

Why is that? If we take a look at the extension’s SQL file the first statement is this:

CREATE FUNCTION ltree_in(cstring)

“CREATE FUNCTION” does work as we are able to create objects in the public schema. The issue is this:

postgres=> CREATE FUNCTION ltree_in(cstring)
postgres-> RETURNS ltree
ERROR:  permission denied for language c

We do not have access to the language. Lets try to grant the required privilege for using the language:

postgres=# grant USAGE on LANGUAGE c to a;
ERROR:  language "c" is not trusted
DETAIL:  GRANT and REVOKE are not allowed on untrusted languages, because only superusers can use untrusted languages.

That does not work as well, as c is untrusted. The same is true for “language internal” as in intagg–1.1.sql:

postgres=> CREATE FUNCTION int_agg_state (internal, int4)
postgres-> RETURNS internal
postgres-> AS 'array_agg_transfn'
postgres-> PARALLEL SAFE
ERROR:  permission denied for language internal

As all the extensions in standard PostgreSQL community do reference either “c” or “internal” somehow we do not have any chance to get an extension installed as user “a”. Lets do another test and create a new database with user “a” as it’s owner:

postgres=> c postgres postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
postgres=# create database dba with owner a;
postgres=# c dba a
You are now connected to database "dba" as user "a".

Can we install extensions now?

dba=> create extension lo;
ERROR:  permission denied to create extension "lo"
HINT:  Must be superuser to create this extension.

Another error message but it still does not work. We can, however, install PL/Perl as this is a trusted language:

dba=> create extension plperl;

Actually PL/Perl is the only extension that can be installed in this scenario, which can be confirmed by a simply PL/pgSQL code block:

dba=> drop extension plperl;
dba=> do $$
dba$> declare
dba$>   ext record;
dba$>   exception_text text;
dba$> begin
dba$>   for ext in
dba$>       select name
dba$>         from pg_available_extensions
dba$>        order by name
dba$>   loop
dba$>     begin
dba$>        execute 'create extension '||;
dba$>        raise notice 'SUCCESS for %',;
dba$>     exception
dba$>        when others
dba$>          then get stacked diagnostics exception_text = MESSAGE_TEXT;
dba$>          raise notice '% failed with %',, exception_text;
dba$>     end;
dba$>   end loop;
dba$> end $$;
NOTICE:  adminpack failed with permission denied to create extension "adminpack"
NOTICE:  amcheck failed with permission denied to create extension "amcheck"
NOTICE:  autoinc failed with permission denied to create extension "autoinc"
NOTICE:  bloom failed with permission denied to create extension "bloom"
NOTICE:  btree_gin failed with permission denied to create extension "btree_gin"
NOTICE:  btree_gist failed with permission denied to create extension "btree_gist"
NOTICE:  citext failed with permission denied to create extension "citext"
NOTICE:  cube failed with permission denied to create extension "cube"
NOTICE:  dblink failed with permission denied to create extension "dblink"
NOTICE:  dict_int failed with permission denied to create extension "dict_int"
NOTICE:  dict_xsyn failed with permission denied to create extension "dict_xsyn"
NOTICE:  earthdistance failed with required extension "cube" is not installed
NOTICE:  file_fdw failed with permission denied to create extension "file_fdw"
NOTICE:  fuzzystrmatch failed with permission denied to create extension "fuzzystrmatch"
NOTICE:  hstore failed with permission denied to create extension "hstore"
NOTICE:  hstore_plperl failed with required extension "hstore" is not installed
NOTICE:  hstore_plperlu failed with required extension "hstore" is not installed
NOTICE:  hstore_plpython2u failed with required extension "hstore" is not installed
NOTICE:  hstore_plpython3u failed with required extension "hstore" is not installed
NOTICE:  hstore_plpythonu failed with required extension "hstore" is not installed
NOTICE:  insert_username failed with permission denied to create extension "insert_username"
NOTICE:  intagg failed with permission denied to create extension "intagg"
NOTICE:  intarray failed with permission denied to create extension "intarray"
NOTICE:  isn failed with permission denied to create extension "isn"
NOTICE:  jsonb_plperl failed with required extension "plperl" is not installed
NOTICE:  jsonb_plperlu failed with required extension "plperlu" is not installed
NOTICE:  jsonb_plpython2u failed with required extension "plpython2u" is not installed
NOTICE:  jsonb_plpython3u failed with required extension "plpython3u" is not installed
NOTICE:  jsonb_plpythonu failed with required extension "plpythonu" is not installed
NOTICE:  lo failed with permission denied to create extension "lo"
NOTICE:  ltree failed with permission denied to create extension "ltree"
NOTICE:  ltree_plpython2u failed with required extension "ltree" is not installed
NOTICE:  ltree_plpython3u failed with required extension "ltree" is not installed
NOTICE:  ltree_plpythonu failed with required extension "ltree" is not installed
NOTICE:  moddatetime failed with permission denied to create extension "moddatetime"
NOTICE:  pageinspect failed with permission denied to create extension "pageinspect"
NOTICE:  pg_buffercache failed with permission denied to create extension "pg_buffercache"
NOTICE:  pg_freespacemap failed with permission denied to create extension "pg_freespacemap"
NOTICE:  pg_prewarm failed with permission denied to create extension "pg_prewarm"
NOTICE:  pg_stat_statements failed with permission denied to create extension "pg_stat_statements"
NOTICE:  pg_trgm failed with permission denied to create extension "pg_trgm"
NOTICE:  pg_visibility failed with permission denied to create extension "pg_visibility"
NOTICE:  pgcrypto failed with permission denied to create extension "pgcrypto"
NOTICE:  pgrowlocks failed with permission denied to create extension "pgrowlocks"
NOTICE:  pgstattuple failed with permission denied to create extension "pgstattuple"
NOTICE:  SUCCESS for plperl
NOTICE:  plperlu failed with permission denied to create extension "plperlu"
NOTICE:  plpgsql failed with extension "plpgsql" already exists
NOTICE:  plpython3u failed with permission denied to create extension "plpython3u"
NOTICE:  postgres_fdw failed with permission denied to create extension "postgres_fdw"
NOTICE:  refint failed with permission denied to create extension "refint"
NOTICE:  seg failed with permission denied to create extension "seg"
NOTICE:  sslinfo failed with permission denied to create extension "sslinfo"
NOTICE:  tablefunc failed with permission denied to create extension "tablefunc"
NOTICE:  tcn failed with permission denied to create extension "tcn"
NOTICE:  tsm_system_rows failed with permission denied to create extension "tsm_system_rows"
NOTICE:  tsm_system_time failed with permission denied to create extension "tsm_system_time"
NOTICE:  unaccent failed with permission denied to create extension "unaccent"
NOTICE:  xml2 failed with permission denied to create extension "xml2"

If you want to install an extension that only creates objects you are allowed to create anyway, that would succeed. The probably best way to handle extensions is to install all the required ones by default and then grant permissions to the users who need them.