This document explains how to configure BI Publisher in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Before the, the BI Publisher installation was fastidious, it was necessary to download, install and configure it. In Enterprise Manager BI Publisher is already packaged.

After a fresh installation or an upgrade to, BI publisher is installed but not configured. By selecting the BI publisher report menu, the following message will be displayed:




You can follow the Integrating BI publisher link to the Oracle documentation in order to configure it. Let me show you how to realize it.

You have to be in the OMS environment and run configureBIP:

oracle@vmtestoraem12c:/u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/oms/bin/ [oms12c] configureBIP
Configuring BI Publisher Version "" to work with Enterprise Manager
Logging started at /u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/oms/cfgtoollogs/bip/bipca_20141201132420.log.
Before this command is run, a backup of Enterprise Manager should be performed using the :emctl exportconfig oms: command. Have you made a valid backup of Enterprise Manager (yes/no) [no] ? no
After the backup is complete, run this command again.


You have to save you OMS configuration before, you run the following command:

oracle@vmtestoraem12c:/u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/oms/bin/ [oms12c] emctl exportconfig oms

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 4

Copyright (c) 1996, 2014 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Enter Enterprise Manager Root (SYSMAN) Password :

ExportConfig started...

Backup directory is /u01/app/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/backup

Machine is Admin Server host.

Performing Admin Server backup...Exporting emoms properties...

Exporting secure properties...

Export has determined that the OMS is not frontedby an SLB.

The local hostname was NOT exported.

The exported data can be imported on any host but

resecure of all agents will be required.

Please see the EM Advanced Configuration Guide for moredetails.

Exporting configuration for pluggable modules...

Preparing archive file...

Backup has been written to file: /u01/app/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/backup/opf_ADMIN_20141201_132707.bka

The export file contains sensitive data.

You must keep it secure.

ExportConfig completed successfully!

Now you can configure the BI publisher:

oracle@vmtestoraem12c:/u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/oms/bin/ [oms12c] configureBIP

Configuring BI Publisher Version "" to work with Enterprise Manager

Logging started at /u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/oms/cfgtoollogs/bip/bipca_20141201134004.log.

Before this command is run, a backup of Enterprise Manager should be performed using the :

emctl exportconfig oms: command.

Have you made a valid backup of Enterprise Manager (yes/no) [no] ? yes

Enter sysdba user name (sys):

Enter sysdba user password:

Enter Administration Server user password:

Configuring BI Publisher in Oracle Home located in /u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/Oracle_BI1 ...

Processing command line ....

Repository Creation Utility - Checking Prerequisites

Checking Global Prerequisites

Repository Creation Utility - Checking Prerequisites

Checking Component Prerequisites

Repository Creation Utility - Creating Tablespaces

Validating and Creating Tablespaces

Repository Creation Utility - Create

Repository Create in progress.

Percent Complete: 0

Percent Complete: 10

Percent Complete: 30

Percent Complete: 50

Percent Complete: 50

Percent Complete: 100

Repository Creation Utility: Create - Completion Summary

Database details:

Connect Descriptor                     : (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(

Connected As                   : sys

Prefix for (prefixable) Schema Owners : SYSMAN

RCU Logfile                     : /u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/oms/cfgtoollogs/bip/emBIPLATFORM.log

Component schemas created:

Component                       Status Logfile

Business Intelligence Platform         Success /u01/app/oracle/MiddleWare_12cR4/oms/cfgtoollogs/bip/biplatform.log

Repository Creation Utility - Create : Operation Completed

Successfully created SYSMAN_BIPLATFORM schema...

Enter an integer between 9701 and 49152 for the BI Publisher HTTP server port. (9701):

Enter an integer between 9702 and 49152 for the BI Publisher HTTPS server port. (9702):

Extending domain with BI Publisher.

This operations can take some time.

Do not interrupt this command while it is running...

OMS Started Successfully

BI Publisher server named :BIP: running at

Registering BI Publisher with Enterprise Manager and deploying reports...

Performing automatic backup of Enterprise Manager using the command :emctl exportconfig oms:.

Successfully backed up Enterprise Manager. The backup file is located in the INSTANCE_HOME sysman backup directory.

Successfully setup BI Publisher with Enterprise Manager

The configuration is successful, now you have access to the BI Publisher reports:


Once the configuration phase is successfully done, it time to create custom reports with BI Publisher. This will be the object of a future blog !