Do you know this query language?  No, it’s time to explain you and see what it is.


“A Kusto query is a read-only request to process data and return results.” dixit Microsoft Documentation here

The KQL is very simple to understand and use. I can do it then you can also do it! 😛

The first thing to know is how to call the information on a table.

In this case you  need to call the table directly with the name of the table, in the place to do a SELECT * FROM Table.

Microsoft give us the opportunity to test it directly on Azure Data Explorer here

In my example, I will use the table Covid19 and I just write the name of the table to have all information:

Using the pipe (|) delimiter, I add filters, transformations etc…

My first test is to add a clause WHERE in the query:


| where CountryCode == 'CH'

I have all rows for Switzerland now.

When you begin, i advise you to take a look on the query best practices page and have directly the good practice here.

To filter on some columns, you need to add “Project” in the query:

| where CountryCode == 'CH'
| project Timestamp, Country, Confirmed, Deaths

The next step is to order the result and it’s easy with an “order by”

| where CountryCode == 'CH'
| project Timestamp, Country, Confirmed, Deaths
| order by Deaths desc

Very easy, it’s it!

The last step for this first approach is to present the result in a graph.

For this step, you will use the command render and with the intellisense, you have a lot of possibility

I choose the TimeChart to have the progression during the period:

| where CountryCode == 'CH'
| project Timestamp, Country, Confirmed, Deaths
| order by Deaths desc 
| render timechart

Et voila, I do my first step in KQL!

Easy to understand, easy to learn, easy to use, easy to have a quick overview of your data…