By Franck Pachot


calendar          today  tomorrow  message
----------------- ------ --------- --------------
Arabic Hijrah     1436   1436
English Hijrah    1436   1436
Gregorian         2014   2015      Happy New Year
Japanese Imperial 0026   0027      Happy New Year
Persian           1393   1393
ROC Official      0103   0104      Happy New Year
Thai Buddha       2557   2558      Happy New Year

According to Oracle calendars…

SQL> l
  1  with cal as (
  2   select 'Arabic Hijrah' name from dual union all select 'English Hijrah' from dual
  3   union all select 'Gregorian' from dual union all select 'Japanese Imperial' from dual
  4   union all select 'Persian' from dual union all select 'ROC Official' from dual
  5   union all select 'Thai Buddha' from dual
  6  ) select
  7   "calendar","today","tomorrow"
  8   ,decode("today","tomorrow",null,'Happy New Year') "message"
  9  from (
 10   select "calendar",to_char(sysdate,'yyyy','nls_calendar='''||||'''') "today"
 11   ,to_char(sysdate+1,'yyyy','nls_calendar='''||||'''') "tomorrow"
 12   from cal
 13* )

… tomorow is a new year around the world for most calendars – even if it’s not 2015 for everybody.

2014 was a strong one for me: great job with very nice customers and valuable colleagues. OCM 11g passed. Oracle ACE recognition. And I’ve encountered fantastic people through twitter and in real at #OOW14 and #DOAG2014.

2015 will be even better: we start our Oracle performance tuning workshop training (January in Geneva and Lausanne). I’ll present at least #C15LV, and in SOUG events (a performance day in Lausanne will be planned – stay tuned). I’ll have articles published at SOUG and UKOUG newsletters. My planning at customers is already full for January (Lot of performance tuning, Dbvisit standby setup, database reviews, etc). And there will be the OCM 12g upgrade to prepare as the exam should be available soon. And of course, I’ll continue to blog here (already have a large todo list).

Happy new year and best wishes to all of you.