By Franck Pachot

The IOUG – Independant Oracle User Group – has a great event each year: the COLLABORATE. This year it’s in April 12-16, 2015 at The Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas.

I’ll be a speaker and a RAC Attack Ninja as well.

alt  IOUG COLLABORATE provides all the real-world technical training you need – not sales pitches. The IOUG Forum presents hundreds of educational sessions on Oracle technology, led by the most informed and accomplished Oracle users and experts in the world, bringing more than 5,500 Oracle technology and applications professionals to one venue for Oracle education, customer exchange and networking.

Registration for the event:



I’ll present ‘Interpreting AWR Reports – Straight to the Goal’: how to read an AWR or a Statspack report and get straight to the root cause, being able to estimate the gains.
Here is the session schedule:

RAC attack

You want to learn and practice RAC on your laptop? One of the best ways to learn new technology is with hands-on experience. During this workshop you will have an opportunity to set up Oracle 12c Real Application Cluster environment on your laptop, go through advanced RAC related setup scenarios or work together with other technical geeks on solving RAC related challenges.
I’ll participate with my friends as a RAC attack ninjas, to help you address any related issues and guide you through the setup process. Come with your laptop and download oracle before ( – 4 files for database and grid infrastructure)

It’s not only technology, but also Networking, Beer + Pizza, and new T-SHIRTs.

Follow #C15LV for info about COLLABORATE15 and #RACAttack: