Oracle released a new way to search for database features, and it is …

..really great.
Try out the cool new search application for Oracle database features.

What is special about? The new site gives you a very smart overview of the database features and in which version they are available (at least from 11-19)

As example, when you search for “compression” it shows you this output:

With a click on the feature you are interessted in you can see a short description and jump directly into the documentation

Oh and when somebody from Oracle is reading this:
Please add also the license information for all the features: Thank you 🙂

Playing around with the new site, I already found some features I did not know that they exist.
Or did you know, there is an ASM Cloning feature starting with Oracle 18c and Flex Disk groups?

Have a nice weekend.

Thanks to
Thomas Teske
from Oracle who showed me this feature!