By Franck Pachot

In a previous post I described the setup of MiniShift on my laptop in order to run OpenShift for test purpose. I even pulled the Oracle Database image from the Docker Store. But the goal is to import it into OpenShift to deploy it from the Image Stream.

I start MiniShift on my laptop, specifying a larger disk (default is 20GB)

C:\Users\Franck>minishift start --disk-size 40g
-- Starting profile 'minishift'
-- Check if deprecated options are used ... OK
-- Checking if is reachable ... OK
-- Checking if requested OpenShift version 'v3.9.0' is valid ... OK
-- Checking if requested OpenShift version 'v3.9.0' is supported ... OK
-- Checking if requested hypervisor 'virtualbox' is supported on this platform ... OK
-- Checking if VirtualBox is installed ... OK
-- Checking the ISO URL ... OK
-- Checking if provided oc flags are supported ... OK
-- Starting the OpenShift cluster using 'virtualbox' hypervisor ...
-- Minishift VM will be configured with ...
   Memory:    2 GB
   vCPUs :    2
   Disk size: 40 GB
-- Starting Minishift VM .................................................................... OK
-- Checking for IP address ... OK
-- Checking for nameservers ... OK
-- Checking if external host is reachable from the Minishift VM ...
   Pinging ... OK
-- Checking HTTP connectivity from the VM ...
   Retrieving ... OK
-- Checking if persistent storage volume is mounted ... OK
-- Checking available disk space ... 1% used OK
   Importing 'openshift/origin:v3.9.0' ............. OK
   Importing 'openshift/origin-docker-registry:v3.9.0' ... OK
   Importing 'openshift/origin-haproxy-router:v3.9.0' ...... OK
-- OpenShift cluster will be configured with ...
   Version: v3.9.0
-- Copying oc binary from the OpenShift container image to VM ... OK
-- Starting OpenShift cluster ...........................................................
Using nsenter mounter for OpenShift volumes
Using public hostname IP as the host IP
Using as the server IP
Starting OpenShift using openshift/origin:v3.9.0 ...
OpenShift server started.
The server is accessible via web console at:
You are logged in as:
    User:     developer
To login as administrator:
    oc login -u system:admin

MiniShift is starting a VirualBox and gets an IP address from the VirtualBox DHCP – here
I can access to the console and log as developer or admin but for the moment I’m continuing in command line.

At any moment I can log to the VM running OpenShift with the minishift command. Here checking the size of the disks

C:\Users\Franck>minishift ssh
[docker@minishift ~]$ df -h
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/live-rw  9.8G  697M  9.0G   8% /
devtmpfs             974M     0  974M   0% /dev
tmpfs               1000M     0 1000M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               1000M   18M  983M   2% /run
tmpfs               1000M     0 1000M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sr0             344M  344M     0 100% /run/initramfs/live
/dev/sda1             39G  1.8G   37G   5% /mnt/sda1
tmpfs                200M     0  200M   0% /run/user/0
tmpfs                200M     0  200M   0% /run/user/1000

Build the Docker image

The goal is to run in OpenShift a container from an image that has been build somewhere else. In this example I’ll not build one but use one provided on the Docker store: the Oracle Database ‘slim’ image. For this example, I’ll use the minishift VM docker, just because it is there.

I have DockerTools installed on my laptop and just want to set the environment to connect to the docker server on the minishift VM. I can get the environment from minishift:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift docker-env
SET DOCKER_CERT_PATH=C:\Users\Franck\.minishift\certs
REM Run this command to configure your shell:
REM     @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('minishift docker-env') DO @call %i

Here is how to directly set the environemnt from it:

C:\Users\Franck>@FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('minishift docker-env') DO @call %i

Now my docker commands will connect to this docker server. Here are the related info, minishift is already running several containers there for its own usage:

C:\Users\Franck>docker info
Containers: 9
 Running: 7
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 2
Images: 6
Server Version: 1.13.1
Storage Driver: overlay2
 Backing Filesystem: xfs
 Supports d_type: true
 Native Overlay Diff: true
Logging Driver: journald
Cgroup Driver: systemd
 Volume: local
 Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: docker-runc runc
Default Runtime: docker-runc
Init Binary: docker-init
containerd version:  (expected: aa8187dbd3b7ad67d8e5e3a15115d3eef43a7ed1)
runc version: e9c345b3f906d5dc5e8100b05ce37073a811c74a (expected: 9df8b306d01f59d3a8029be411de015b7304dd8f)
init version: N/A (expected: 949e6facb77383876aeff8a6944dde66b3089574)
Security Options:
  Profile: default
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-862.6.3.el7.x86_64
Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 2
Total Memory: 1.953GiB
Name: minishift
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): false
Username: pachot
Experimental: false
Insecure Registries:
Live Restore Enabled: false

As for this example, I’ll use the Oracle Database image, I need to log to the Docker Store to prove that I accept the licensing conditions:

C:\Users\Franck>docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Login Succeeded

I pull the image, takes some time because ‘slim’ means 2GB with Oracle Database.

C:\Users\Franck>docker pull store/oracle/database-enterprise:
Trying to pull repository ... Pulling from
4ce27fe12c04: Pull complete
9d3556e8e792: Pull complete
fc60a1a28025: Pull complete
0c32e4ed872e: Pull complete
be0a1f1e8dfd: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:dbd87ae4cc3425dea7ba3d3f34e062cbd0afa89aed2c3f3d47ceb5213cc0359a
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Here is the image:

C:\Users\Franck>docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
openshift/origin-web-console       v3.9.0              aa12a2fc57f7        7 weeks ago         495MB
openshift/origin-docker-registry   v3.9.0              0530b896b578        7 weeks ago         465MB
openshift/origin-haproxy-router    v3.9.0              6b85d7aec983        7 weeks ago         1.28GB
openshift/origin-deployer          v3.9.0              39ee47797d2e        7 weeks ago         1.26GB
openshift/origin                   v3.9.0              12a3f005312b        7 weeks ago         1.26GB
openshift/origin-pod               v3.9.0              6e08365fbba9        7 weeks ago         223MB
store/oracle/database-enterprise       27c9559d36ec        12 months ago       2.08GB

My minishift VM disk has increased by 2GB:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift ssh -- df -Th /mnt/sda1
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1      xfs    39G  3.9G   35G  11% /mnt/sda1

Push the image to OpenShift registry

OpenShift has its integrated container registry from which the Docker images are visible to Image Stream.
Here is the address of the registry:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift openshift registry

I’ll run some OpenShift commands and the path to the minishift cache for ‘oc’ can be set with:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift oc-env
SET PATH=C:\Users\Franck\.minishift\cache\oc\v3.9.0\windows;%PATH%
REM Run this command to configure your shell:
REM     @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('minishift oc-env') DO @call %i
C:\Users\Franck>@FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('minishift oc-env') DO @call %i

I am still connected as developer to OpenShift:

C:\Users\Franck>oc whoami

and I get the login token:

C:\Users\Franck>oc whoami -t

I use this token to login to the OpenShift registry with docker in order to be able to push the image:

C:\Users\Franck>docker login -u developer -p lde5zRPHjkDyaXU9ninZ6zX50cVu3liNBjQVinJdwFc
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded

I create a new project to import the image to:

C:\Users\Franck>oc new-project oracle --display-name=Oracle
Now using project "oracle" on server "".
You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
    oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~
to build a new example application in Ruby.

This can also be done from the GUI. Here is the project on the right:

I tag the image with the name of the registry ( and the name of the project (oracle) and add an image name, so that the full name is:

C:\Users\Franck>docker tag store/oracle/database-enterprise:

We can see this tagged image

C:\Users\Franck>docker images
REPOSITORY                          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
openshift/origin-web-console        v3.9.0              aa12a2fc57f7        7 weeks ago         495MB
openshift/origin-docker-registry    v3.9.0              0530b896b578        7 weeks ago         465MB
openshift/origin-haproxy-router     v3.9.0              6b85d7aec983        7 weeks ago         1.28GB
openshift/origin-deployer           v3.9.0              39ee47797d2e        7 weeks ago         1.26GB
openshift/origin                    v3.9.0              12a3f005312b        7 weeks ago         1.26GB
openshift/origin-pod                v3.9.0              6e08365fbba9        7 weeks ago         223MB   latest              27c9559d36ec        12 months ago       2.08GB
store/oracle/database-enterprise       27c9559d36ec        12 months ago       2.08GB

Note that it is the same IMAGE ID and doesn’t take more space:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift ssh -- df -Th /mnt/sda1
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1      xfs    39G  3.9G   35G  11% /mnt/sda1

Then I’m finally ready to push the image to the OpenShift docker registry:

C:\Users\Franck>docker push
The push refers to a repository []
066e811424fb: Pushed
99d7f2451a1a: Pushed
a2c532d8cc36: Pushed
49c80855196a: Pushed
40c24f62a02f: Pushed
latest: digest: sha256:25b0ec7cc3987f86b1e754fc214e7f06761c57bc11910d4be87b0d42ee12d254 size: 1372

This is a copy, and takes an additional 2GB:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift ssh -- df -Th /mnt/sda1
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1      xfs    39G  5.4G   33G  14% /mnt/sda1

Deploy the image

Finally, I can deploy the image as it is visible in the GUI:

I choose to deploy from fommand line:

C:\Users\Franck>oc new-app --image-stream=ora122slim --name=ora122slimdeployment
--> Found image 27c9559 (12 months old) in image stream "oracle/ora122slim" under tag "latest" for "ora122slim"
    * This image will be deployed in deployment config "ora122slimdeployment"
    * Ports 1521/tcp, 5500/tcp will be load balanced by service "ora122slimdeployment"
      * Other containers can access this service through the hostname "ora122slimdeployment"
    * This image declares volumes and will default to use non-persistent, host-local storage.
      You can add persistent volumes later by running 'volume dc/ora122slimdeployment --add ...'

--> Creating resources ...
    imagestreamtag "ora122slimdeployment:latest" created
    deploymentconfig "ora122slimdeployment" created
    service "ora122slimdeployment" created
--> Success
    Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
     'oc expose svc/ora122slimdeployment'
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.


I expose the service:

C:\Users\Franck>oc expose service ora122slimdeployment
route "ora122slimdeployment" exposed

/bin/bash: /home/oracle/setup/ Permission denied

Here is one little thing to change. From the POD terminal, I can see the following error:

The same can be read from command line:

C:\Users\Franck>oc status
In project Oracle (oracle) on server to pod port 1521-tcp (svc/ora122slimdeployment)
  dc/ora122slimdeployment deploys istag/ora122slim:latest
    deployment #1 deployed 7 minutes ago - 0/1 pods (warning: 6 restarts)
  * pod/ora122slimdeployment-1-86prl is crash-looping
1 error, 2 infos identified, use 'oc status -v' to see details.
C:\Users\Franck>oc logs ora122slimdeployment-1-86prl -c ora122slimdeployment
/bin/bash: /home/oracle/setup/ Permission denied

This is because by default, for security reason, OpenShift runs the container with a random user id. But the files are executable only by oracle:

sh-4.2$ ls -l /home/oracle/setup/
-rwxr-xr--. 1 oracle oinstall 2165 Aug 17  2017 /home/oracle/setup/

The solution is quite simple: allow the container to run with its own user id:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift addon apply anyuid
-- Applying addon 'anyuid':.
 Add-on 'anyuid' changed the default security context constraints to allow pods to run as any user.
 Per default OpenShift runs containers using an arbitrarily assigned user ID.
 Refer to and for more information.

The the restart of the POD will go further:

This Oracle Database from the Docker Store is not really an image of an installed Oracle Database, but just a tar of Oracle Home and Database files that have to be untared.

Now, in addition to the image size I have an additional 2GB layer for the container:

C:\Users\Franck>minishift ssh -- df -Th /mnt/sda1
Filesystem     Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1      xfs    39G   11G   28G  28% /mnt/sda1
C:\Users\Franck>docker system df
TYPE                TOTAL               ACTIVE              SIZE                RECLAIMABLE
Images              7                   6                   3.568GB             1.261GB (35%)
Containers          17                  9                   1.895GB             58.87kB (0%)
Local Volumes       0                   0                   0B                  0B
Build Cache                                                 0B                  0B

Of course there is more to customize. The minishift VM should have more memory and the container for Oracle Database as well. We probably want to add an external volume, and export ports outside of the minishift VM.