By Franck Pachot

Enterprise Manager (Cloud Control for example) gathers a lot of metrics. You can display them from the GUI, but you can also query the SYSMAN views directly. Today, I wanted to get the history of free space in an ASM disk group for the previous week. Here is how I got it.
Enterprise Manager metrics are aggregated in MGMT_METRICS_1HOUR (granularity 1 hour, retention 1 month) and MGMT_METRICS_1DAY (granularity 1 day, retention 1 year). But the detailed collected values are kept 7 days in MGMT_METRICS_RAW. This is what I ‘ll query.
All that is in the SYSMAN schema:

SQL> alter session set current_schema=SYSMAN;

The metrics are related to a target and a metric. Let’s find them.


First, let’s have a look at all available the targets types in MGMT_TARGETS:

select distinct target_type,type_display_name from mgmt_targets order by 1;
cluster Cluster
composite Group
has Oracle High Availability Service
host Host
j2ee_application Application Deployment
metadata_repository Metadata Repository
microsoft_sqlserver_database Microsoft SQL Server
oracle_apache Oracle HTTP Server
oracle_beacon Beacon
oracle_database Database Instance
oracle_dbsys Database System
oracle_em_service EM Service
oracle_emd Agent
oracle_emrep OMS and Repository
oracle_emsvrs_sys EM Servers System
oracle_home Oracle Home
oracle_ias_farm Oracle Fusion Middleware Farm
oracle_listener Listener
oracle_oms Oracle Management Service
oracle_oms_console OMS Console
oracle_oms_pbs OMS Platform
osm_cluster Cluster ASM
osm_instance Automatic Storage Management
rac_database Cluster Database
weblogic_domain Oracle WebLogic Domain
weblogic_j2eeserver Oracle WebLogic Server

I want to see ASM metrics for my RAC cluster. The display name ‘Cluster ASM’ has the internal type as ‘osm_cluster’ (yes, it was initially called Oracle Storage Management).

Then here are all the targets I have for that target type:

SQL> select target_name,target_type,target_guid from mgmt_targets where target_type='osm_cluster';
+ASM_xxzhorac1 osm_cluster B8A5A42E2F8F6FCF6CF9FEB082B4CD79

In SYSMAN schema, we have GUID identifiers.


Then, for each target type, there is a large number of metrics referenced in MGMT_METRICS:

select distinct target_type,metric_name,metric_label,metric_column,column_label,metric_guid 
from mgmt_metrics
where target_type='osm_cluster' and metric_label like 'Disk Group%'
order by target_type,metric_name,metric_column;


DiskGroup_Target_Component Disk Group Target Component
DiskGroup_Target_Component Disk Group Target Component Disk Group Name
DiskGroup_Target_Component Disk Group Target Component Disk Count
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Disk Group Name
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Disk Group Free (MB)
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Disk Group Used %
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Used % of Safely Usable
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Size (MB)
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Redundancy
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Disk Group Usable Free (MB)
DiskGroup_Usage Disk Group Usage Disk Group Usable (MB)
asm_diskgroup Disk Groups
asm_diskgroup Disk Groups Allocation Unit Size (MB)
asm_diskgroup Disk Groups Disk Count
asm_diskgroup Disk Groups Disk Group
asm_diskgroup Disk Groups Redundancy
asm_diskgroup Disk Groups Size (GB)
asm_diskgroup Disk Groups Contains Voting Files
asm_diskgroup_attribute Disk Group Attributes
asm_diskgroup_attribute Disk Group Attributes Attribute Name
asm_diskgroup_attribute Disk Group Attributes Disk Group
asm_diskgroup_attribute Disk Group Attributes Value
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Disk Group Imbalance (%) without Rebalance
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Disk Maximum Used (%) with Rebalance
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Disk Minimum Free (%) without Rebalance
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Disk Count
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Disk Group
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Actual Imbalance (%)
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Actual Minimum Percent Free
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Rebalance In Progress
diskgroup_imbalance Disk Group Imbalance Status Disk Size Variance (%)

Ok there is a lot of metrics.
If you want more information about them, just go to the Enterprise manager documentation. I’m interrseted about disk group rebalancing and documentation for Disk Group Imbalance Status metrics is here.

collected values

Now let’s put that together and join to MGMT_METRICS_RAW where I’m interested in the ‘U90’ diskgroup:

 to_char(collection_timestamp,'dd-mon-yyyy') day,to_char(collection_timestamp,'hh24:mi') hour
 ,metric_label||' - '||column_label label,key_value key,value
(select distinct target_name,target_type,target_guid from mgmt_targets where target_type='osm_cluster')
join (
 select distinct 
 from mgmt_metrics
) using(target_type)
join mgmt_metrics_raw using(target_guid,metric_guid)
where key_value = 'U90' and collection_timestamp>sysdate-8
order by collection_timestamp desc,metric_label,column_label,key_value
02-mar-2015 15:43 Disk Group Usage – Disk Group Free (MB) U90 939137
02-mar-2015 15:43 Disk Group Usage – Disk Group Usable (MB) U90 1279980
02-mar-2015 15:43 Disk Group Usage – Disk Group Usable Free (MB) U90 939137
02-mar-2015 15:43 Disk Group Usage – Disk Group Used % U90 26.629
02-mar-2015 15:43 Disk Group Usage – Size (MB) U90 1279980
02-mar-2015 15:43 Disk Group Usage – Used % of Safely Usable U90 26.629
02-mar-2015 15:39 Disk Group Imbalance Status – Actual Imbalance (%) U90 0.164381953

I usually get the result from SQL Developer and export it as html. This is what I’ve pasted above. And it’s easy to open it with Excel and get a nice pivot chart from it:


In my case, I was interested by the available free space in my diskgroup disks during the week. A disk has been added on 24-feb 20:00 but the re-balance hanged for 24 hours. The blue area is the minimum free space (among all the disgroup disks – which have the same size) and the grey part is the size of the newly added disk that has to be re-balanced among all disks.

But the goal of this post is only to show how to get collected statistics:

  • identify the target type
  • identify the target
  • identify the metric
  • join that with the raw statistics

I need that very rarely, but it can help to analyze something that happened in the past.