By Franck Pachot

You are rather GUI or command line? Let’s compare what you can do with them when you want to create a Resource Manager plan, and what is missing in the GUI.

I’m using EM13c here on a 12c database. Doc for command line API is here.

I’ll explain what you can set in the GUI and the matching arguments generated by OEM:

Screenshot 2016-03-10 13.36.19

Here we have the name and description (comment):

   plan                      IN VARCHAR2, 
   comment                   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 

When the ‘Activate this plan’ is checked, it calls the dbms_resource_manager.switch_plan, with the allow_scheduler_plan_switches=>false if you uncheck ‘Automatic Plan Switching Enabled’

The CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE is called for each group or sub plan:

   group_or_subplan          IN VARCHAR2, 

The ‘Utilization limit %’ defines the max_utilization_limit wich is now utilization_limit:

   max_utilization_limit        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,  -- deprecated
   utilization_limit            IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,

The number or shares that we set are converted to percentage of total shares in order to define the cpu_p1 which is now mgmt_p1.

   cpu_p1                    IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, -- deprecated
   mgmt_p1                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,

Actually, OEM put the share number and not the percentage when generating the SQL, but that’s ok.

Parallel Query DOP and queuing

Screenshot 2016-03-10 13.36.56

Here are the parallel settings. ‘bypass queue’ sets parallel_stmt_critical to ‘bypass_queue’ to avoid statement queuing for this consumer group.

   parallel_stmt_critical       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);

and the settings (using the deprecated parallel_target_percentage instead of parallel_sever_limit )

   parallel_degree_limit_p1  IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   parallel_target_percentage   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,  -- deprecated 
   parallel_queue_timeout       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,

The timeout is the number of seconds the statement can remain queued.

Per session or per-call limits

Screenshot 2016-03-10 13.37.03

The limits set the following arguments (in respective order):

   switch_elapsed_time          IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_time                  IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_io_megabytes          IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_io_logical            IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_io_reqs               IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,

The actions sets a consumer group to switch to, or KILL_SESSION or CANCEL_SQL:

   switch_group              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,

The ‘track by statement’ sets to true the switch_for_call (it switches to group only until the end of the call) and the ‘use estimate’ sets switch_estimate to true:

   switch_for_call           IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT NULL,
   switch_estimate           IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,

Idle time limits

Screenshot 2016-03-10 13.37.11

This sets the following time in seconds:

   max_idle_time                IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
   max_idle_blocker_time        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,

What is missing?

It seems that we cannot set here the limit based on CBO estimation:

   max_est_exec_time         IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,

Same for the maximum number of active sessions limit

   active_sess_pool_p1       IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,

And the transaction undo size limit:

   undo_pool                 IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,